Live link preview on hover with one line of code

How to keep visitors & improve SEO with

Demo. Hover & click these links:
Gangnam Style on YoutubeThe Weeknd on SoundCloud  •
Will Smith on TikTokGeneration Z PreziData Report on Slideshare supercharges hyperlinks on your website. After adding the script to your website, hovering over a hyperlink will display a popup previewing the linked content. And even more, when clicking on links to media & rich content (video/audio/presentations), opens media within your website! E.g. click to see that annoying most viewed music video on Youtube or presentation about Generation Z. Your visitors will stay on your website and will say thanks to you, as you just saved them from tab-overload. can also improve website loading speeds. It's known that embedding youtube and other widgets slow down a website. A better approach is to create an image thumbnail and hyperlink it. will load the youtube embed when a visitor clicks on the thumbnails.
Click to open Youtube link preview
Click to open SoundCloud link preview

It takes 2 minutes to add to your website, and you can start using it for FREE. + Webflow installation tutorial

Made in Webflow